Fri. Jul 26th, 2024
SASSA R350 Disability Grant FebruarySASSA R350 Disability Grant February

SASSA R350 Disability Grant February 2024:

SASSA R350 Disability Grant Februray

Inability grant:


Approximately a disability grant

On the off chance that you have got physical or mental incapacity which makes you unfit to work for a period of longer than six months, you’ll apply for a incapacity grant.


You get a changeless inability give in the event that your inability will proceed for more than a year and a transitory inability give on the off chance that your inability will final for a persistent period of not less than six months and not more than 12 months. A lasting incapacity allow does not cruel you’ll get the allow for life, but that it’ll proceed for longer than 12 months


Qualification for disability Sassa Grant?


To qualify, you must:


be a South African citizen or changeless inhabitant or outcast and living in South Africa at the time of application

be between 18 and 59 a long time old

not be cared for in a state institution

have a 13-digit, bar-coded character document (ID)

not win more than R86 280 on the off chance that you’re single or R172 560 in case married.

not have resources worth more than R1 227 600 on the off chance that you’re single or R2 455 200 in the event that you’re married

experience a therapeutic examination where a specialist designated by the state will evaluate the degree of your disability

bring along any past medical records and reports after you make the application and when the appraisal is done.

The specialist will total a restorative report and will forward the report to South African Social Security Organization (SASSA).


The report is substantial for three months from the date you’re assessed.

Note: In case you’re beneath 18 and require changeless care due to your disability, your essential caregiver can apply for a Care Reliance Give. On the off chance that you don’t have an ID, you may be required to total an testimony and give confirmation of having connected for the report from the Office of Home Undertakings. In case you’ve got not connected for an ID, you must do so inside three months of applying for the grant.


How much Disability Grant will you get?


 The greatest is R2 090 per month.


 How will you be paid?


A give will be paid to you through one of the taking after methods:

cash at a particular pay point on a specific day  electronic store into your bank account, counting Postbank (the bank may charge you for the benefit) 

an institution not financed by the State – e.g. domestic for individuals with disabilities.


a receipt to keep as confirmation of application.

SASSA R350 Disability Grant Februray
SASSA R350 Disability Grant Februray

When may your grant be suspended?


The taking after may result within the suspension of your grant:


when your circumstances change

the result of a review

in case you fall flat to co-operate when your allow is reviewed

when you commit extortion or distort yourself 

if there was a botch when your grant was approved.

When may your give lapse?


The allow will slip by when you:


pass away

are conceded to a state institution

do not claim for three successive months

are truant from the country.

If you don’t mind note: On the off chance that you’re conceded to an institution that includes a contract with the state to care for you, the give is diminished to 25% of the greatest sum of the allow. That will be done with impact from the fourth month following your affirmation to that institution. The diminished give is re-instated instantly from the date you’re discharged from the institution. 


 More incapacity allow information


What you ought to do:

Total a incapacity allow application shape at your nearest South African Social Security Organization (SASSA) office within the nearness of a SASSA officer. 

 Yield the following:

  • Your 13-digit bar-coded personality record (ID). On the off chance that you don’t have an ID:
  • You must total an affidavit on a standard SASSA organize within the nearness of a Commissioner of Pledges who isn’t a SASSA official.
  • You must bring a sworn articulation marked by a trustworthy individual (like a councilor, conventional pioneer, social laborer, serve of religion or school foremost) who can confirm your title and age.

The SASSA official will take your fingerprints.

You will be alluded to the Office of Domestic Undertakings to apply for the ID while your application is handled. On the off chance that you don’t get an ID, your allow will be suspended.

A restorative report and utilitarian appraisal report affirming your disability.

Confirmation of conjugal status (on the off chance that applicable).

Confirmation of residence.

Proof of salary or profits (in the event that any).

Confirmation of assets, counting the metropolitan esteem of your property.

Verification of private benefits (in case any).

Your bank articulations for the past three months.

Outcast status allow and 13-digit outcast ID.

Unemployment Insurance Support (UIF) document (‘blue book’) or release certificate from your past boss in case you were employed.

 A duplicate of the will and the primary and last liquidation and dispersion accounts, in case your companion kicked the bucket inside the final five years.

After submitting your application you may given a receipt to keep as proof of application.

What if your application isn’t social security office will inform you in writing whether or not your application was successful.

If your grant isn’t the social security office will state the reasons why your application was unsuccessful. You’ll be appeal to the Minister of Social Development in writing, explaining why you disagree.

Appeal within 90 days of receiving notification about the outcome of your application.

How long does it take:

It may take up to three months to process your application.

If your grant is approved, you may paid from the day you applied.

How much does it cost

The service is free.


Forms to complete:

Application forms are not available online, but you’ll them from your nearest (SASSA) office.


SASSA contact:

South African Social Security Agency (SASSA)