Fri. Oct 18th, 2024
SASSA Status Check Registration

SASSA Status Check Registration

SASSA Status Check

Jy kan maklik die status van jou SASSA Social Relief of Distress (SRD) R350-toelae aanlyn nagaan om te verseker dat jy jou betaling vir die huidige maand ontvang. SASSA Status Check is belangrik vir alle aansoekers om elke 30 dae ingelig te bly oor die toekenningsopdaterings.

how to check your SASSA status online in easy steps:

  1. Find the status check box.
  2. Type in your ID number.
  3. Type in your phone number.
  4. Click the button that says "Submit."
  5. The system will show you:
    • The month your grant is approved for.
    • Your Application ID.

Suid-Afrikaners wat deur armoede geteister is en nie werk kan kry of hul gesinne kan onderhou nie, sal verheug wees om hierdie nuus te hoor. ’n R350-toelae is beskikbaar vir werklose individue wat nie ander bronne van inkomste het nie, soos maatskaplike toelaes of WVF-betalings. Die aansoekers kan maklik SRD-statuskontrole uitvoer vanaf die bogenoemde instrument. Jy hoef net die vereiste besonderhede te gee en op die indien-opsie te klik.

Deur die Sassa Status Check-aanlyndiens sal jy opdaterings oor jou aansoek ontvang nadat jy dit via die amptelike Sassa-webwerf ingedien het. Jy sal kan bevestig of jou noodlenigingsfondse ontvang is deur dit te doen. Boonop is die sassa-status vir R350-betalingsdatums vir 2024 op hierdie bladsy beskikbaar.

SASSA Payment Status Check 2024

It's crucial for people applying for SASSA grants to regularly check if their money is ready for collection on the scheduled payday each month.

To see when you can collect your grant money, take a look at the table below. It shows all the SASSA Payment Dates from 2023 to March 2024. Make sure to check this table monthly.

MonthYearPay Day DateStatus

SRD Status Check for R350 on WhatsApp

You can now easily check the status of your R350 Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant application through the official SASSA WhatsApp number: 082 046 8553. This convenient method allows you to chat and message with the SASSA team online for assistance with your application.

To check your SASSA status on WhatsApp, just send a message saying 'SASSA' to the official team. You will then receive a prompt with options for reviewing your status. Choose your grant and reply with 'Status Check' for verification. The team will provide you with your SRD status check results for R350, along with your Application ID.

Using the SASSA WhatsApp service lets you communicate directly with the authorities and get quick help for specific issues, updates on your application status, and more. If you encounter any problems with the WhatsApp method, feel free to reach out to us at, which is the official email address.