Fri. Jul 26th, 2024
Sassa R350 GrantSassa R350 Grant

Sassa R350 Grant

In South Africa, Sassa R350 Grant Relief of Distress (SRD) supply has been a contentious issue, with beneficiaries dealing with exclusions due to ability exams and price range caps. The Institute for Economic Justice (IEJ) has taken felony motion in opposition to the policies governing this grant, highlighting problems of unfairness and exclusion.

Background of the R350 SRD Grant

Introduced as a response to financial hardships exacerbated through the COVID-19 pandemic, the SASSA R350 SRD furnish aimed to supply brief alleviation to inclined individuals. However, its implementation has confronted criticism due to boundaries imposed with the aid of capability checks and price range caps.

Kersha Govender’s Case

Govender’s journey displays the challenges confronted through many SASSA beneficiaries. Despite having no different supply of income, she has been denied the supply on more than one occasions. Her appeals to the Sassa tribunal have been rejected, highlighting the want for a fairer appeals process.

READ MORE: SASSA Payment Dates for Disability Grant For Next Month

Sassa Means Test and Its Implications

The skill test, supposed to make sure help reaches these most in need, has inadvertently excluded many eligible individuals. Critics argue that it fails to account for the various economic conditions of applicants, main to unjust outcomes.

Challenges Faced by means of Applicants

Applying for the SASSA R350 furnish comes with its personal set of challenges. The online-only software technique poses difficulties for these except web access, whilst the database verification process has been criticized for its reliance on old-fashioned information.

The Court Challenge through the IEJ

The IEJ’s prison venture targets to tackle a variety of shortcomings in the present day system. They searching for to expand the eligibility criteria, venture the online-only software process, and enhance the appeals system for rejected applicants.

Issues with the Online-Only Application Process

The requirement for SASSA on-line purposes excludes a massive component of the populace with restricted web access. This digital divide in addition exacerbates inequalities, disproportionately affecting marginalized communities.

Database Verification Procedure

Critics argue that the database verification technique is flawed, main to inaccurate rejections primarily based on out of date information. This technique depends on records from sources like the South African Revenue Service, which may additionally now not precisely mirror an applicant’s monetary situation.

Sassa R350 Grant
Sassa R350 Grant

Narrow Appeals Process

The appeals system has been criticized for its limitations, stopping rejected candidates from presenting extra proof to aid their claims. This slender method undermines the precept of procedural equity and denies deserving folks the chance to rectify errors.

Eligibility Criteria for the R350 Grant

While about sixteen million humans qualify for the supply primarily based on profits criteria, solely about 8.5 million are authorised every month. The discrepancy between eligibility and SASSA approval highlights the inadequacy of the cutting-edge machine in attaining all these in need.

Budget Cap Imposition and Its Effects

The imposition of a price range cap by using National Treasury has in addition restrained get admission to to the grant. Many unemployed folks who battle to meet their simple desires locate themselves ineligible due to this arbitrary limitation.

Recent Poverty Line Figures

Recent records launched with the aid of SASSA Status underscore the incidence of poverty in South Africa. The poverty line figures expose the stark fact confronted by way of hundreds of thousands of individuals, emphasizing the urgency of imparting ample social assistance.

Sassa’s Perspective on the Grant

Sassa contends that the provide is frequently misunderstood as an SASSA unemployment benefit. They emphasize the want to verify all sources of earnings to make sure help reaches these who want it most, in line with the grant’s supposed purpose.

Recourse Options for Rejected Applicants

Rejected candidates have the alternative to attraction to the Sassa tribunal, even though this system has its limitations. For these unable to reap redress via the tribunal, recourse in courtroom stays a possibility, albeit at their very own expense.

Advocacy for the Grant’s Increase

Advocacy organizations like the Black Sash stress the significance of growing the provide to suit inflation. They argue that the furnish is a necessary lifeline for inclined men and women and urge the authorities to fulfill its constitutional responsibility to grant social assistance.


The Sassa R350 Grant provide has furnished quintessential help to many throughout difficult times, however its effectiveness is hampered by using exclusions and bureaucratic hurdles. Addressing these troubles requires concerted efforts to reform the device and make certain that help reaches these most in need.


Who is eligible for the R350 grant?

Eligibility for the R350 supply is decided primarily based on earnings criteria, with people incomes under a sure threshold qualifying for assistance.

What are the important challenges confronted by way of applicants?

Applicants frequently conflict with the online-only utility process, old-fashioned database verification procedures, and a slender appeals process.

How many appeals are rejected every month?

Sassa has said rejecting over a million appeals per month, chiefly due to the capability check and price range cap restrictions.

What recourse do rejected candidates have?

Rejected candidates can attraction to the Sassa tribunal and, if necessary, are seeking for redress thru the court docket system.

Why is there advocacy for growing the furnish amount?

Advocates argue that growing the provide is critical to maintain tempo with inflation and make sure that beneficiaries can meet their fundamental needs.